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   Evolutionary Biology
   at San Diego State University

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SDSU Museum of Biodiversity

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The SDSU Museum of Biodiversity includes a large number of biological collections, used both in teaching and in student and faculty research. These collections are vital in documenting the biodiversity of both local and worldwide regions and are often cited in research publications. Our collections number at over 100,000 total specimens, including: Amphibians, Lizards, & Snakes (herpetology, 14,000 specimens); Birds (ornithology, 2,700 specimens); Fish (ichthyology, ca. 15,000 specimens); Mammals (2,900 specimens); Plants (SDSU Herbarium, ca. 20,000 specimens); and Terrestrial Arthropods (insects, spiders, & relatives, 55,000 specimens). In addition, the SDSU Greenhouse houses over 1,000 specimens of live plants used for examples in teaching and in research experimentation and field documentation. Excellent regional collections of vertebrates and plants are also available at the San Diego Museum of Natural History and the Scripps Institute of Oceanography.